July 22, 2013

Healthy Kale Chips

After upping a bit of the fitness regime lately, I thought I'd start the week with something a little on the healthier side :)
I know Kale Chips have been well documented around the interwebs, but I've never tried making them for myself. I came across a shelf of Kale Chips at our local supermarket which I thought, although organic, were way too expensive for a potential 10 minute chomping snack.

I'm a massive lover of potato chips, but also know that these days, with a slowed down metabolism, scoffing down potato chips every time I crave a savoury snack, isn't the best for the gut, nor the figure. Kale is rich in beta carotene, Vitamin K, Vitamin C and Calcium, eaten raw, in a smoothie or crispy like I have (though nutritional value may have been slightly lost), it's all good for ya! If you are a fan of Japanese seaweed snacks, you will definitely love giving this a go. I'm still so surprised that the Kale leaves came out crunchy, crispy and light. I was expecting something really chewy in texture.

This recipe is easy as 1-2-3!

Basic Kale Chips recipe

  • Bunch of Kale (preferably organic!)
  • Olive oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Black Lava salt or Flakey sea salt
  • Oven preheated to 180 degrees celcius 
  1. Wash your bunch of kale and chop off the stems so that you are left with just the curly leaves. Slice up the leaves in bite sized portions (about one or 2 inch in length). Spread the kale leaves on a baking tray prepared with a baking sheet / baking paper.
  2. Drizzle over with the olive oil, sesame oil and then finish with a sprinkling of your preferred salt
  3. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Once you start hearing sizzling going on, you know the Kale is near ready. I pulled mine out as soon as I saw the tips of the leaves start going golden brown.

After making these for myself, I'm going to experiment sprinkling other topping flavours like parmesan and chilli, sesame seeds, smoked paprika, truffle oil.... and the list goes on! I love sharing and eating my way through indulgent recipes on here, but also am a big believer in moderation and taking the yin and yang approach when it comes to a more balanced lifestyle.

Enjoy guys and hope you start the week off right :)!

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