August 31, 2016

My 2 cents on: Curtis Collection

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It's been a fair few months since I put fingers to keyboard on here, and I don't want to bore you with excuses for my absence, but let's just say I'm glad to be back, and what better way to start than to talk about beauty; my favourite topic of all time. I will give you my 2 cents review on a couple of items from a makeup brand that I have been admiring and following from afar. 

Curtis Collection is an Australian makeup brand founded by Australian makeup artist; Victoria Curtis. As far back as I can remember, the makeup is exclusively stocked at selected beauty and hair salons in Australia and New Zealand, but Ry have recently stocked these on their websiteI was sent a few products from the lovely people at Ry, of whom I'm a regular customer, to see what my thoughts are on a few Curtis Collection face products.

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