April 08, 2013

Splurge or Curb - Wedding Crystal Tulle head piece

While I didn't do a whimsical bohemian look for my own wedding day, I still loved researching and looking at all the choices that were out there for all wedding styles...and still do! However I was flabbergasted at the prices that some wedding headpieces can go for. There wasn't one wedding boutique I found that held a good quality, unique, crystal head piece/motif that fetched for less than AUD100. Some headpieces that I loved were at least AUD400, and I even saw some wedding veils fetch up to AUD1,000+ (now that's just daylight robbery)! So... I think unless you have a rather large wedding budget, or don't mind playing tug-of-war between spending the majority of your budget on your wedding accessories vs. your dress, I think a bit of DIY is a good route to take.

For all you whimsical, romantical, bohemian brides-to-be out there looking for some whimsy hair bling, here's a DIY alternative to spending hundreds of dollars. My version cost only AUD40 + a few hours of my own time :)

With the help of Tessuti Fabrics, I found a very similar crystal motif that I saw here, bought some peach-hued tulle, ordered some mini hair combs from Etsy and was good to go with some hand sewing activity on a rainy afternoon.

There are many ways of hand-sewing the crystal motif onto tulle, you just have to try not to thread it on too tight. And it doesn't have to be tulle either. You can easily adapt a crystal motif on top of beautiful lace or a satin ribbon. Mini haircombs was only my preference. Feel free to skip this step and simply tie on your masterpiece!
If it wasn't for my parents gifting me a beautiful Jenny Packham headpiece, I think I would have gone down the DIY route. Of course this post doesn't have to be inspiration limited to a Wedding, I hope this can inspire you to try some DIY for any special occasion. Or just some dress-up fun at home!

Stay tuned to see how this headpiece can be worn in different ways!
p.s. I did go down the DIY route for my Wedding bracelet, have you seen my earlier post here?

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