February 27, 2015

A Chocolate Cherry Trifle Celebration

I baked and made this trifle for a Christmas get together in the December just been, but shot it with a new years post in mind (hence the insertion of mild fireworks). Today is the 27th of February, yes, I am very tardy with this post indeed. Nevertheless, there is still one more thing to celebrate this month... Mia Loves Pretty turned 2 :)

I had first made this Chocolate Cherry Trifle many moons ago for a Christmas get together... I think it was circa Christmas 2009 for the husband's family get together, and always have it at the back of mind should I be in charge of desserts for other future dinner gatherings. It is of course Nigella Lawson's recipe, how could a Christmas pass by without something cooked from one of her books? But back in 2010, I bought the chocolate sponge like she suggested. The trifle you see in the above photos however, were based on top of home made chocolate pound cake (I used this recipe). If you are going to try out Nigella's Chocolate Cherry Trifle recipe, AND make your chocolate cake base from scratch, may I suggest you make a chocolate sponge OR make the chocolate pound cake like I did, BUT slice the cake up to make thinner chocolate jam sandwiches. My slight failure was that my chocolate cake base was a tad too thick and hadn't soaked up enough of the cherry liquid. Oh and another tip... if you don't have access to Cherry Brandy like the recipe suggests, I used a half/half mixture of Chambord + Sour Cherry syrup. Seems to work ok, and this trifle truly tasted like a decadent chocolate gateau.

Happy birthday to this bloggy blog. Here's hoping for many more years of blogging to come!
Thanks to everyone that continues to visit and read this blog, I am forever grateful.


2 comments so far

  1. Happy blog-anniversary! I'm such a big fan of Nigella, this cherry trifle looks gorgeously decadent and delicious!

  2. Maria Lee | Mia Loves Pretty EMarch 5, 2015 at 4:26 PM

    Oh thank you :) this is a great recipe to try for sure! I absolutely love Nigella too! :)


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