July 14, 2014

Time to be a #GIRLBOSS

Oh hello, long time no chat! Where have I been? What have I been doing?

Well I finished up at my day job. YES!
No more 9-5 (or 6 or 7 and beyond), but more of whatever hours I like to do for the things I love for a little while!

I have finally booked flights and accommodation for our big Europe trip. DOUBLE YUUUS!
Where are we going you ask? London, Greece, Croatia & Italy. I can NOT wait!

I also went back home to NZ for a little break.
WHAT A WHIRLWIND... it was literally like a cyclone. Despite walking around Auckland most days with my hair ending up slapped across my face from the very Wellington-like wind, I spent a good week catching up with my nearest and dearest all around Auckland. Visiting a couple friend's new homes, playing with babies and generally eating my way around Auckland. And might I say I am quite impressed with the foodie scene in the city now. Hello Federation Deli, Ortolana, Fukuko & Better Burger , and I still have a list of must-visits for our next home visit!

I was just reviewing all the "to do" lists I had made on Evernote since the beginning of the year, and one list titled "big decisions for the year" contained the bullet point; "career-change".
Now here I am, sitting in my little home office, typing this post with Bailey at my feet, after starting off the day dropping Jase off at the airport and cracking open the book; #GIRLBOSS. Because you know, if I want to one day be a small business owner, I think seeking out inspiration and reading about real life stories from real entrepreneurs is the best way to start.
If you're on the hunt for some truly "girl power", "kick-ass" motivational reading, then you should really pick up a copy of #GIRLBOSS. This lady really knows her stuff after putting in all the hard yards into building her business empire; Nasty Gal, demonstrating what it's like to build success on a path that is NOT straight and narrow.

While the process of encapsulating all my thoughts and ideas that have been zooming around my head in the last 6 months will take some time, I hope this is a positive start to this new little journey of mine :)


2 comments so far

  1. Maria Chan it comes with great delight to read that your talents are going to be seen beyond an office. The world is waiting to be a better place when you start your new venture. You're too talented and meomarable NOT to be doing that you want.

  2. Now aren't you just so kind? :) Thanks for the lovely comment... I can only guess that I know you personally seeing as you used my maiden name ;) I think everyone deserves to do what they want...whatever makes their heart full :)


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