September 23, 2013

Plaid & Leather

^Vero Moda Plaid Tunic dress worn as a Shirt (also loving this shirt here)
^River Island Leather Skater Skirt
^Windsor Smith Leopard Heels
^Karen Walker Sunglasses (also seen here)

This plaid tunic dress would have been worn more as a dress if it wasn't so ill fitting in the lower region for me now. But the simplest solution is just to throw a skirt over top and taaa-ddaaahhh, different outfit and an updated way to wear something that had been sitting in my closest for donkeys years. Having worn pleated skirts all of my high school life, I was never really a massive fan of wearing them beyond that time either. But an updated matte leather (faux or real) option has made it all the more appealing, especially if it cinches the waistline for a more streamlined look that is a little less 'baby-hit-me-one-more-time' :)
Hope you all have a great start to the week. I'm mustering all my strength in hope that the work week will go by quick!! These weekends go on way too short and the cheeky monkey we have at home has made these last couple weekends a whirlwind for sure!

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