July 25, 2014

Apple Crumble - made 2 ways

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Apple crumble is probably one of the first recipes I ever baked during Home Economics class, and so it always brings about some great nostalgic memories for me. In my intermediate school years (junior high to some of you!), we used to go to another school that had kitchen facilities to attend Home Economics class, and then after our afternoon bakes, we would place our baked goodies into empty ice cream containers (or whatever plastic containers we had brought along) to take home to our parents. I still remember my Mum's twisted expression when she saw my warm apple crumble mess inside an ice cream container which had been tossed about on the bus ride home. I'm pretty sure Mum had to muster all her strength to say "mm MMMMmmm" to the waft of plastic container-y, buttery, apple smell that was put before her.

Luckily for you ladies and gents, this recipe is a bit more refined and I definitely don't recommend you place warm things in plastic tubs for presentational purposes.

I *think* the American folk like to call this Apple Crisp, and that's exactly how I like my crumble topping; buttery, short and crispy.
Here is a recipe that you can make the old fashioned way, or the nouveau way for intolerant stomachs; gluten free and refined sugar free.

July 17, 2014

Nutella Banana Bread

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I've shared a link to a recipe for this on Facebook before, but after realising how overly sweet my first attempt was, I decided an Oz/NZ measurement conversion was required... and then.... I forgot to post about it!
And so here we go, three months later, a recipe based on cups used here in Oz and NZ, but this time loosely based on a basic Donna Hay recipe and only makes one loaf!

July 16, 2014

Winter Angora

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July 14, 2014

Time to be a #GIRLBOSS

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Oh hello, long time no chat! Where have I been? What have I been doing?

Well I finished up at my day job. YES!
No more 9-5 (or 6 or 7 and beyond), but more of whatever hours I like to do for the things I love for a little while!

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