I used Kate Miss' intepretation of the recipe here, simply because she calls it "The Only Chocolate Chip I Will Ever Need To Know How To Make For The Rest Of My Life". Them's fightin' words lady! But I do agree that yes, the following "must dos" are something to abide by:
- Use a mixture of bread flour and cake flour
- Wait the full length of time for the cookie dough to sit and "marinate" in the fridge
- Take the cookies out of the oven whilst soft at the minimum baking time (i.e. 15 mins). It's always easier to re-bake an under-cooked cookie, than to tearfully chuck an over-cooked cookie out!

I grew up with a big love for "Farmbake" chocolate chip fudge cookies, but this, my dear friends, really trumps that childhood memory. Happy weekend everyone!
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