May 03, 2013

36-hour-wait Chocolate Chip Cookie

As the post title suggests. I waited over 36 hours before I even placed the cookie dough in the oven. I know right? Who can even wait that long? You'd think I would have started chipping away at the cookie dough itself while I waited over a day and a half to make this! I had read about this ultimate, best, ever, chocolate chip cookie on other blog posts around the interwebs, and I just had to try this recipe for myself.
I used Kate Miss' intepretation of the recipe here, simply because she calls it "The Only Chocolate Chip I Will Ever Need To Know How To Make For The Rest Of My Life".  Them's fightin' words lady! But I do agree that yes, the following "must dos" are something to abide by:
  1. Use a mixture of bread flour and cake flour
  2. Wait the full length of time for the cookie dough to sit and "marinate" in the fridge
  3. Take the cookies out of the oven whilst soft at the minimum baking time (i.e. 15 mins). It's always easier to re-bake an under-cooked cookie, than to tearfully chuck an over-cooked cookie out!
I have taken the lazy route with this recipe before and just used plain flour, and also only waited 12 hours. The result was perhaps a bit of a heavier cookie that still had a bit of a sugar crystal texture.

I grew up with a big love for "Farmbake" chocolate chip fudge cookies, but this,  my dear friends, really trumps that childhood memory. Happy weekend everyone!


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