March 27, 2014

Our Favourite Chicken & Leek Pie

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There is nothing more comforting than a pie. And there is nothing more classic than a good ol' mince and cheese pie, all you Aussies and Kiwis are with me right? Am I right or am I right?? :)

March 12, 2014

Mirror Shine Shoes

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March 06, 2014

A little bit of Boho - round two

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March 03, 2014

Passion Coco Delicious

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We had an abundance of passionfruit and lemons over the weekend due partly to me buying them a week before because they were cheaper by the tray full. There was the usual idea to make a lemon loaf cake and bung in some passionfruit, but because the weather was so dreary, I really felt like pudding. Having remembered how easy a Lemon Delicious was to make, bunging in some Passionfruit takes no more effort, and its so easy you can make it with your eyes closed. For those that haven't had a Lemon Delicious, think of this as a liquid mixture that splits into two in the oven; a beautiful passionfruit curd on the bottom and a coconutty sponge floating on top :)

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